Maryland Conducts M/WBE Disparity Study

M/WBE programs are spreading across the country.

Source : Contractor News

May 7, 2024

Author : Patty Allen

With DBE final rules being approved on April 9th, and a growing awareness about small business involvement, the state of Maryland has appointed MGT Consulting group to conduct a disparity study.

The state wants to determine whether any discriminatory practices based on race and gender are plaguing businesses in Maryland. This is applicable to both public and private sectors.

During the study period, data will be collected on the existing number of businesses owned by minorities and women and how many of these firms are actually getting work under federal and state-funded contracts as contractors or sub-contractors. Maryland authorities are also encouraging different stakeholders like business owners, trade unions, and business organizations to provide any information that they might have about past or present discriminatory practices. 

Businesses willing to participate and contribute toward an equitable future can fill out a questionnaire

IndustryDate Time
MWBE construction5/22/20249 AM-11 AM
Subcontractors5/22/20245 PM-7 PM
All others5/23/20242 PM-4 PM

For further information about the disparity study, visit or contact Vernetta Mitchell at or call (813) 321-1400 ext. 2131.

Category : Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Disparity Studies

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