Colorado DOT lays out DBE goals for 2023-2025

Colorado is expanding efforts at diversifying its public works construction sector.

Source : Contractor News

June 18, 2022

Author : Patty Allen

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has drafted plans for its Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) goals for the next three years.

A CDOT press release explains, “The methodology is open for public comment through July 21, and you may reach out to CDOT's Civil Rights DBE Program Manager, Jun Arcilla, with questions.”

You can read the full methodology here.

The Press Release goes on to explain:

Determination of the triennial DBE goal includes identifying a base figure for the relative availability of DBEs based on demonstrable evidence of the availability of ready, willing, and able DBEs as compared to the availability of all businesses participating on federally?funded DOT?assisted contracts. In accordance with 49 CFR 26.45, CDOT’s goal methodology consists of two steps:

  1. Establishing the base figure for the relative availability of DBEs, and
  2. Adjusting to the base figure as a result of available data.

To establish the base figure and determine the relative availability of DBEs to perform work on CDOT projects, CDOT evaluated:

  • Relevant market area for contractor participation;
  • Potential contracting opportunities in construction, professional services, and design-build;
  • Availability and capacity of DBE certified firms to participate on those potential contracts;
  • Anecdotal evidence gathered through online surveys, association meetings, and a public comment period.

The public is invited to provide feedback through July 21, 2022.  You can attend CDOT's Small Business Collaborative Forum, send a snail mail to CDOT's Civil Rights & Business Resource Center at 2829 W. Howard Pl., 1st Floor, Denver, CO 80204, email or call: (303) 757-9234

Category : Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Diversity Outreach State Government

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