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Source : Contractor News
April 6, 2021
Author : Kristy Casanova
In collaboration with Silicone Valley Transit Consultants (SVTC), the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is implementing a Mentor-Protege Program with the goal of aiding the growth of minority and small businesses.
Eight Disadvantaged Business Enterprise’s (DBEs) or Small Business Enterprise’s (SBEs) will be chosen as sub-consultant firms to launch the program. The program will last for the duration of one year, where STVC will mentor the sub-consulting firms. During the duration of the program the sub-consulting firms will assist with the BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project (a series of contracts and improvements under the VTA).
The selected California firms will benefit through one-on-one time with STVC representatives, gaining education in marketing to government agencies and primes in order to secure government contracts, as well as critical management techniques.
Robert Luster, President of Luster National Inc., stated that “This program is intended to help small and minority enterprises grow their businesses in Silicon Valley and the broader Bay Area, as part of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Program.”
Category : Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Local Business Enterprises Small Business Enterprises