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May 24, 2024
Author : Alex Bustillos
For small businesses that often have limited funds and resources having the time to plan their proper usage can make it more plausible to bid on procurements and contracts on government projects. Creating this opportunity for them is the City of Philadelphia.
Last year, the Philadelphia administration announced the Public Works Procurement Forecast. It was intended to increase the participation of historically underutilized businesses by giving them enough time for preparation. This forecast aims to help small businesses enhance transparency around the contracting process while increasing the number of procurement contract submissions from vendors.
On April 9th of this year, the City released a list of 130 anticipated projects from four agencies as part of its six-month update. The four agencies are:
These projects will be taking place over the period of the next 18-24 months, with project availability/updates happening at an interval of six months period. The total net worth of projects mentioned in the current forecast is $520 million.
The procurement forecast will also provide vendors and small business contractors with related relevant information including project owner, scope of work, estimated cost, and potential subcontracting opportunities, among others.
As Contractor News had previously, the City of Philadephia had set an impressive goal of filling 35% of contracts through minority, woman, or disabled-owned businesses (M/W/DSBEs).
So, to make most of these contracts, businesses must be registered through an approved certification agency. You can find the list here.
But as a small business, if you are looking to bid for federally funded projects, you need to be certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE).
To stay updated on contracting opportunities, businesses need to be aware of the different contracting platforms that the City utilizes. Contracts Hub, PEA Public Bids, and ECMS are some popular platforms where businesses can submit their bids. (This information is available on the forecast page itself).
Some upcoming projects that M/W/DSBEs can participate in are PNE Administration Building Improvements, Surveillance System Upgrades-Phase 2B, and Relocate TBA Substation under the Department of Aviation.
M/W/DSBEs under the Department of Streets can work on projects like the bridge replacement over 59th Street Over Amtrak and the signal safety improvements in the neighborhood slow zones round 3.
M/W/DSBEs will also get the opportunity to work on projects like GSI Construction/Landscaping/Paving in Nicholas Park and Green Streets, North Cottman Green Streets, and Olney Rec Center under the Department of Water.
You can find the full list here.
The next forecast will be released in October 2024, and the launch of the SupplyPHL is also in the pipeline, which can provide advisory assistance to historically underutilized businesses to have better access to public projects.
Category : Local Government Public Works