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Source : ODOT
October 4, 2021
Author : Alex Bustillos
The plan contains a list of “critically needed transportation improvement projects for [Oklahoma’s] interstates, US and state highways and bridges.” The list of projects on the agenda make up the overwhelming majority of the 93 pages of the plan.
“Continued investment in the system remains critical as the state grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery,” the plan states.
The plan “addresses 1,013 miles of rural two-lane highways with deficient shoulders with much needed safety upgrades, and will improve 4,002 lane miles of highway pavement to a state of good repair.”
Additionally, “the plan will address 354 bridges currently at risk of becoming structurally deficient” as well as “682 highway bridges [in need of] reconstruction or major rehabilitation.”
In order to identify projects that should be prioritized with the construction plan, Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) enlists eight field district engineers to identify infrastructure items in need of improvement. Additionally, Department Divisions collect and analyze data taking into consideration surface condition, bridge condition, geometrics, average annual daily traffic, percentage of truck traffic, accident history, local, regional and national traffic patterns and capacity, according to ODOT.
The full list of projects in the plan are viewable here.
Category : State Government Bridges Freeways and Highways Public Works